Cert NAET Dip DNC DipReflex
"When my food intolerances were treated, I was able to eat those foods I hadn't eaten for a long time, without having any negative effects."

allergy testing and treatment Milton Keynes

NAET is based on the belief that an allergy is a condition of unusual sensitivity of a person to one or more substances, which causes blockages in the energy pathways called meridians. This disrupts the normal flow of energy through the body’s electrical circuits or system. This energy blockage(s) causes interference in communication between the brain and the body which then begins a chain of events that could develop an 'allergic' response. find out more about NAET »

Treatment for any ailment may benefit from NAET as it assists in the absorption of essential nutrients
needed for good health.

what causes my allergies?

  • inhalants: pollens, flowers, perfume, dust, paint, etc.
  • ingestants: food, drinks, vitamins, drugs, food additives, etc.
  • contactants: fabric, chemicals, furniture, cosmetics, etc.
  • injectants: insect bites, stings, injectable drugs and immunizations, etc.
  • physical agents: heat, cold, damp, sun, etc.
  • genetic factors: inherited tendencies from parents or grandparents.
  • molds/fungi: molds, yeasts, candida, parasites, etc.

types of allergy

  • immediate hypersensitivity: This is a fast occurring reaction to a substance giving immediate symptoms, or
  • delayed hypersensitivity: This occurs after several hours, usually 24-48 h and can last over a long period of time.

...it's not just hay fever and not just food
intolerances that can be addressed...

allergy assessment

The initial assessment determines the programme of treatment for each patient. It involves a review of the complete medical history, together with neuromuscular sensitivity testing. A variety of allergens can be tested.


Patients are usually treated individually, although invalids, children or babies may require consent or assistance. Testing uses the principles of kinesiology and the treatment consists of a painless acupressure technique down the spine whilst holding a vial of the allergen. This is then followed by acupuncture point massage on arms and legs. The item will then need to be avoided for 25 hours after the treatment.

It is best to arrive perfume free, and not to plan any strenuous activity for the rest of the day.

This information is not intended as medical advice, and should not be relied upon as a substitute for consultation with your Doctor who is familiar with your medical needs.

"The NAET treatments and regular massage have helped support my physical and emotional well being."